Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sunday Market Hippieland

Sunday Market "HIPPIELAND" on Sunday, November 11th 2012 at Atrium Surabaya Town Square (sutos). Ini hasil potret-ku di acara sunday market.. :)

suasana bazaar


EDMUND AND JANE accessories
Owner EDMUND AND JANE alumnus from Arva School of Fashion
Yeah.. She is my senior.
Visit Edmund And Jane :)
Tania Kusuma owner

JOSEPHINE TAN (JT) creates an unique clutch bag
Owner JT alumnus from Arva School of Fashion
Yessss, ofcourse she's my senior.
Visit Josephine Tan :)
Josephine Tan owner

Owner Koksi Cloth mbak Delicia my friend in HijabeeSBY
Visit Koksi Cloth :)
Delicia Rosanna owner

Meet my friend again. Yippi.. Bonita and her friend.
By the way, Bonita from ITS. Dia perna kursus desain di ARVA
Panggilan kesayanganku untuk Bonita "BonBon"
Bonita (sebelah kiri baju coklat)

Ulala this's my friend too. Mbak Shabrina and her friend.
 Mbak Shabrina sama seperti BonBon kuliah di ITS tapi beda jurusan.
Mbak Shabrina (sebelah kanan hijab coklat) 

Wohoooo my old friend. Temanku sewaktu di SMP Al-Falah.
Sekarang udah kuliah. Tantri kuliah di ITS. Nesia kuliah di UBAYA.
Long time not see, I miss them so much.. :*
Tantri (putrinya ibu wali kota surabaya), Me, Nesia

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Muslim Designer Dian Pelangi

Profil Dian Pelangi:
Menyelesaikan studinya di ‘Ecole Superieur des Arts et Techniques de la Mode (ESMOD)’ Jakarta. Sebagai siswi berprestasi 2008 dengan mendapat nilai lulus yang tinggi. Dian juga pernah menjadi finalis Lomba Rancang Busana Muslim Noor 2009.

Saat ini, Dian menjadi designer termuda di Asosiasi Perancang Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (APPMI). Gadis kelahiran Palembang, 14 Januari 1991 ini menjabat sebagai main designer, marketing & promotion untuk perusahaan home industry orang tuanya sekarang.

Multifungsi, garis desain yang unik, fun, young dan colorful dengan kain-kain tenun tradisional, membuat rancangan busana muslim Dian 'kaya' dan sukses merebut hati pasar internasional, seperti Paris yang mempunyai penduduk muslim cukup banyak bahkan dan negara-negara lainnya seperti Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur dan Kota Kinabalu), Singapore, Australia (Melbourne, Perth), UK (London) dan UAE (Abu Dhabi, Jordania, Pakistan dan Cairo).

Pada tahun 2010, Dian mendapatkan kesempatan di interview oleh CNN untuk Busananya yang dipamerkan di Jakarta Fashion Week. Pada Akhir 2011, Dian mendapatkan undangan untuk berpartisipasi di international fair of Muslim world yang akan diadakan di Le Bourget exhibition, Paris.

Dian Pelangi Collection in Jakarta Fashion Week 2013

Info and photo from JFW2013 :)

Muslim Designer Irna Mutiara

Profil Irna Mutiara:
Pusat Pendidikan Design Bandung
Tata Busana IKIP – Bandung
Designer PT.PRIMASEJATI (Brand Ld Comp)
Designer Post Mode

Penghargaan/prestasi yang pernah dicapai:
- Juara 1 LRBM Majalah NOOR 2005
- Juara 2 Lomba Busana Kreatif-API
- Juara 1 Lomba Rancang Busana Muslim –IKIP BDG

Irna Mutiara Collection in Jakarta Fashion Week 2013:
The Canaries
Terinspirasi dari kekayaan fauna Indonesia, diantaranya adalah burung-burung kenari yang warnanya kuning jernih membawa kesan ceria dan menawan. Dipadukan dengan detail renda handmande buatan perajin Bukittinggi dan Tasikmalaya membawa kesan local culture dengan tampilan kontemporer dan kekinian.
Bahan: Silk Chiffon, Silk Sateen, Organza.
Detail: Embroiderry, Macrame, Niddle Border.
Warna: Canary Yellow, Broken White, Black.

Info and photo from JFW2013 :)

Colorful of Power

Friday, November 09, 2012

Cretaceous Returns

Cretaceous Returns is a peek into the prehistoric underbelly of dino-daddies Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader, the digital art pioneers best known for their spellbinding fashion stories. The wonders of modern digital technology have made possible the chance to enter prehistoric environments to adventure with dinosaurs.

 Reed + Rader are launching Cretaceous Returns, their first UK solo show at 18 Hewett Street, London on November 8th, 2012. The Brooklyn-based duo is now set to transform the gallery's clean white space into a land before time. Paper glass foliage with hidden, small colorful dinosaurs amongst the green will line the walls, with large scale projections setting the scene for Reed & Rader's free standing dinosaur.

"We want you to take an adventure back to the dinosaur times and enter a tropical jungle filled with tall grass and foliage - GIF animations showing different characters, a video of colorful dinosaurs dancing to dubstep, a side-scrolling video game-like adventure to explore and meet new friends". -Pamela Reed + Matthew Rader-

This info from here :)

Fashion at The Circus

Duo fashion photographers Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader (AKA Reed & Rader). Freak Show takes us on a whimsical journey held in a circus setting. Meet all the different performers in this animated fashion shoot.

"This was a fun project for us as the content was specifically based on characters and their actions, something we always try to push". -Reed & Rader-

Coat by Paul Smith

Gloves by La Crasia

Coat by Oscar De La Renta

Jumpsuit by Louise Gray

Dress by Proenza Shouler

Dress by Tao Comme des Garcons

Vest by D&G

Dress by Manish Arora

Dress by Yusuke Maegawa

Dress Marc by Marc Jacobs

Top by Christian Dior

Photo from here :)

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Charity In Frame

Hello... Suka motret? Peduli terhadap sesama?
Ayo ikutan lomba foto "Charity In Frame"

Hadiah utama EOS 650D lhooo! dan masih banyak lagi senilai total 15juta!

Tinggal isi formnya di
Batas pengumpulan foto 25 November 2012.

Nggak hanya lomba foto, dengan ikutan lomba ini kalian ikut berperan dan peduli terhadap pemberantasan HIV di Indonesia! Keuntungan dari acara ini akan di sumbangkan kepada Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS. We care.. Do you? :)

For more info click

Osteoshion by Michelle Maitlin

Sekitar bulan oktober, I get hot news from ARVA Facebook.
Ouch! I'm so sorry late for posting it in my blog. By the way, Michelle Maitlin, a talented alumni of ARVA (later she got a scholarship at Esmod, Jakarta) succeeded to be a finalist to win a scholarship at the Istituto Europe in Design, Italy. Her concept OSTEOSHION - Concern for Osteoporosis. Was also something new for me and inspiring.

Wohoooo, LET’S VOTE for MICHELLE MAITLIN! click here

Her mood.. Before make design.

And this, her design..

I get this pict from ARVA. :)

ARVA Annual Show

A Fashion Show you can't miss!
Graduation Show in Spring/Summer 2013 Fashion Trend.

Gramedia Expo Surabaya.

Presents more than 100 dresses, the works of 35 young fashion designers in Spring / Summer 2013 trends.

I get this pict from ARVA and more info click here... :)