Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rebaba Necklace

The Materials:
- Red kain yang dipotong memanjang
- Big manik-manik

The step it's simple. And, yeah! REBABA Necklace is ready?
Tarararararaaaaaaaaaa :)
Green Bastier made by self, REBABA Necklace made by self

Apabila kamu ingin order this necklace. Silahkan kirim email sashafajarotur@yahoo.co.id or send message in my FB Sasha Fajarotur Rohmah or on twitter @SashaFajarotur. Bisa juga melalui SMS atau telpon.

Thanks! :)

Greletink Necklace

The materials:
- Kain yang sudah dibentuk menjadi yoyos (aplikasi yang berbentuk bulat yang bagian pinggirnya dijelujur dengan benang)
- Pita hitam
- Benang & Jarum
- Manik-manik

And... the GRELETINK Necklace is ready? Yippyyyyyyyy... look so beautiful... :)
Green Bastier made by self, GRELETINK Necklace made by self

Btw, jika diantara kamu ingin order GRELETINK Necklace. Silahkan kirim email sashafajarotur@yahoo.co.id or send message in my FB Sasha Fajarotur Rohmah or on twitter @SashaFajarotur. Bisa juga menghubungi lewat SMS atau telpon.

Thanks! :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How To Wear Hijab

My Tips is:
1. Make sure that our hair is always clean.
2. Comb your hair and pigtails or bunch. Not too tight but not easily fall. Use a hair tie is made from material absorbed water or anything other than rubber that will make your hair tangled and broken. Like example:

3. Choose an inners or bonnet that you like. My suggestion, not made slippery like silk or anything that makes you uncomfortable because worry your hijab will slump. Look for t-shirts or any material that stick together in your hair, or if you want to use an inner made of silk/satin, sometimes I wear two innerds, one made from full lace, then onother one made from silk/satin so it's not easy to fall. But not too often cause your hair need to breath too. And when u start wearing Inner, make sure that your hair enter all.

4. Last. The important thing is a pin. Be careful to use this. Then if you ready, start wearing your fav hijab with your own style.

So, Insyaallah the look will be pretty and the hijab will be stay longer. Also not fall in the wind. Like a beautiful woman this bellow... :)

Community Hijabers Surabaya

Yesterday (Saturday,June25,2011). Community Hijabers Surabaya gathering in De Boliva Sutos Surabaya. Dresscode: red. See you next gathering! :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Festival Online Shop

Guys and Girls, follow and attend this event!
Festival Online Shop Bazaar. "TOGETHER WE SHARE" chapter I. Sunday,July 3,2011. Gramedia Expo Surabaya Hall A. 9am - 9pm.
Let's come! :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Empowering Women

Are pleased to present Ninit Yuanita and Aulia Halimatussadiah known as Ollie.
Ninit, a blogger, a writer and she will share how she started blogging and gather a community through The Urban Mama.
Ollie will share about her love on blogging and how she started all her business online.
Both are a blogger, a writer and a business woman who has successfully brought many business opportunities from blogging.

Ninit is the writer of Si Jago Merah, Get Married, Chocoluv, Kok Putusin Gue??, Mendadak Dangdut, Heart and recently launched Test Pack. Four of her books made into movies. She is also one of the founders of theurbanmama.com.

Ollie writes 19 books. The person behind kutukutubuku.com, startuplokal, a web consultant, and as far as we can say she is a true online entrepreneur. She is the winner of Bubu Award for Tourism Blog Writing Competition by bubu.com and the winner of New Wave Marketing Picture at Flickr hissed by MarkPlus.

Fifi Alvianto and Hanna Faridl from HijabScarf will tell you the short story behind HijabScarf & CasaElana.com, also we will share some hijab tutorials.

SUCH! Photo Contest

Hello! Asslamualaikum :)
Suka difoto? Suka mix n match baju dan hijab kamu? Mau dapat hadiah karena foto dan gaya kamu difoto? Ikuti "SUCH! Photo Contest: It's my Style!". Periode lomba 20Juni - 12Juli 2011.

Caranya? Gampang:
  1. Upload foto kamu ke fanpage "SUCH! by Suchi Utami" di Facebook.
  2. Foto terdiri dari minimal 1 orang dan maksimal 3 orang (kamu & teman-teman).
  3. Tema foto, COLORFUL (kalo kamu sedang memakai produk SUCH!, ada nilai PLUS lho).

Syarat & Ketentuan Photo Contest:
  1. Wanita, tidak ada batas usia dan berjilbab.
  2. Peserta boleh dari kota dan negara mana pun.
  3. Keserasian dan kekompakan dalam foto sangat diutamakan.
  4. Foto yang di upload maksimal 1 foto.
For further information, please click SUCH! by Suchi Utami

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Moshaict and Mosbazaar

Event-eventnya adalah Grand Opening Moshaict, peresmian sekretariat Hijabers Community, Soft Launching Anaya Salon, Soft Launching Rusell's Cafe, dan acara yang ditunggu oleh kita semua yaitu MOSBAZAAR.

MOSBAZAAR kali ini diikuti oleh 21 tenant yang tentunya mempunyai ciri khas masing-masing dan produksi sendiri (nama-nama tenant bisa dilihat di poster). Acara MOSBAZAAR akan berlangsung selama 3 hari, yaitu Jumat-Minggu (24-26 Juni) pukul 10.00 - 17.00 wib. Khusus jumat baru dimulai pukul 14.00 - 17.00 wib. Acara MOSBAZAAR terbuka untuk UMUM dan FREE ENTRY.
For further information, please click MOSHAICT

This is Casa Elana's June/July edition, called "Nautical", you can find the full collection at FX Mazee 6th Floor or at Moshaict Bazaar on 24-26th June 2011. click Casa Elana! :)

Thanks Mr.Putjok Rizaldy

Wohohooooooo! I feel so honored. thankyouuuuuuu my tutor (guru les waktu SMP,hehe). dulu selain mengajar les bidangstudy Bahasa Indonesia,dia juga seorang presenter kondang JTV. saat ini pun juga menjadi presenter & mendirikan lembaga yang bernama PR Institute. for further information,please click PR Institute :)

Mr. Putjok Rizaldy

 PR Institute

Someday I'll be join, Insyaallah :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Holiday Sunnies

Sunnies is a must have fashion accessories. What type of sunnies shall we considered as the season favorite?
Well, here are some of them:

Liburan terganggu dengan musim kemarau??? jangan bersedih... kita masih dapat liburan tanpa terganggu silaunya matahari. kacamata dapat melindungi kita dari silauan matahari. banyak model kacamata yang bisa kita pakai. so,liburan semakin seru dengan kacamata keren ini :D


Bananies: Banana Brownies :)
Aku akan melakukan experimen pada makanan ini, dan hasilnya... yeah! so yummyyyyyyyyyy!

tarraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, BANANIES siap disantap! :p

100% Halal & Delicious. Apabila kalian ingin order silahkan kirim email: sashafajarotur@yahoo.co.id atau send message on my fb Sasha Fajarotur Rohmah dan bisa juga melalui twitter @SashaFajarotur.
Thanks... :D

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Pattern Magic

ONE DAY WORKSHOP in Arva School of Fashion Surabaya.

Pertama di Indonesia. Teori pecah pola tiga dimensi yang menghebohkan dunia tatabusana di Asia dan USA. dikerjakan dengan pola Flat Pattern. and yeaaaaah, I'm join too :)

Saturday, June 04, 2011

HiLo School & Teen

HiLo School and Teen bekerja sama dengan Toko Buku Gramedia, memberikan voucher potongan harga untuk pembelian produk susu bubuk HiLo School and Teen di Hypermart.

Gramedia yang berpartisipasi:
  • Gramedia Expo, Jl.Basuki Rachmat No 93-105, Surabaya 60271.
  • Gramedia Grand City, Grand City Mall Lt.2.
  • Plaza East, Tunjungan Plaza Lt.IV, Jl.Basuki Rachmat No 8-12, Surabaya 60216.
  • Plaza Surabaya Lt.2 DN-01, Jl.Pemuda No 33-37 Surabaya.
  • Royal Plaza Lt.UG E6/26, Jl.Ahmad Yani 16-18 Surabaya.
  • Jl.Manyar Kertoarjo 16, Surabaya 60116.

Friday, June 03, 2011


Make Your Own Camera Pouch

1. Ukur lingkar kamera (bagian terbesar). Lalu buat kotak polanya...

- lingkar panjang = 2+1 cm
- lingkar lebar = 2+1 cm
- buat 2 kotak sesuai ukuran seperti gambar
- tambahkan kira-kira 5cm untuk tutupnya

2. Lalu potong busa dengan ukuran yang sama,tapi potong agak kecil kurang lebih setengah cm.

3. Jahit sekeliling garis pola tadi. Jahit rapat-rapat ya... tapi sisakan 1 sisi (sisi penutup).

4. Potong sudut dalamnya seperti gambar.

5. Balik kainnya.

6. Masukkan busa ke dalam kainnya.
7. Lipat sesuai garis yang tadi dibuat.

8. Jahit pinggirnya rapat-rapat...

9. Jahit juga bagian tutupnya.
10. Lalu jahit kancing jepret.
11. Tempel deh hiasan di baliknya. Btw, bahan dan kainnya bebas sesuka kalian...


Thursday, June 02, 2011

Apple To The Big Apple

"You must know that there's nothing higher, or stronger, or sounder, or more useful afterwards in life, than some good memory, especially a memory from childhood, from the parental home. You hear a lot said about your education, yet some such beatiful, sacred memory, preserved from chilhood, is perharps the best education. If a man stores up many such memories to take into life, then he is saved for his whole life. And even if only one good memory remains with us in our hearts, than alone may serve some day for our salvation."

The Brothers Karamazou

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Surabaya Fashion Parade 2011

Finalist Show of Surabaya Young Fashion Designer Award 2011
Anisa Fajarotur Rohmah (number 16). elemen WOOD... :)